I am a mascara junkie, I have been wearing it for over 23 years…. yep thats right!!! Dang I sound old! Back to the topic. I have tried every brand out there on the market right now from high end to cheap cheap… and first off let me tell you how important I feel mascara is…. if you are running out of a burning house and all you have time to do is grab your bra or throw on some mascara, go with the mascara!!! It makes a huge difference and is a must have item!!! Always gotta be black though, for sure. Dont mess around and go with the brown mascara if you are blond, it gets washed out by your eye makeup and just looks bla
So back in the day waterproof mascara was a nasty creature… it would pretty much stay on thru anything… possibly it might come off with a blow torch. No joke, that stuff would build up under your eyes forever and you would look like you were married to Mike Tyson. Today they have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy improved the formula of waterproof mascara so that it comes off with soap and water, face wash and or makeup remover. I always use a baby wipe to remove my makeup before washing my face, so I know if it all comes off.
In the many mascara brands that I have tired in my junkie state I have found one that stands out and beats them all hands down, and the price isn’t bad either!! Cover Girl Lashblast is the shizzzzzzzzzzzzzz gotta give it a try!! Telln you, this stuff is awesome, it lengthns and thickns, comes off easy with face wash and doesnt flake at all!!! Love love love gotta have it!!!
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